Tuesday, November 22, 2016

May - September of Second year

i. Weeding to be carried out around the plants. You need to ensure that about 3 feet diameter around the plant is clear of weeds

ii. Apply NPK Mixture at the rate of 50:50:100 Kg / Hectare

iii. Plant shade trees at open or low shade areas in the field

iv. Thrash the old and dry leaves and stems before the rain sets in. Apply 1% Bordeaux mixture and soil drench 0.20% CoC (Copper Oxychloride) at the rate of 3-10 litre per plant depending on the size of the plant.


Quinalphos (200ml) Pseudomonas (1 litre)  Beauveria Bassiana (100gm),  Metarhizium 100gm may be mixed in 100 litres of water and drenched around the plant at the rate of 3-5 litre per plant


i. Dry leaves and stems to be cleared from the plants

ii. Apply NPK mixture at 50:50:100 kg per hectare for a second time 

iii. Usage of EPN may be done on need basis

iv. Spray Zinc (250gm), Boron (75gm) in 100 litres of water. NPK may also be used

v. Quinalphos (200ml) Pseudomonas (1 litre),  Beauveria Bassiana (100gm), Metarhizium 100gm per 100 litres of water maybe applied 

Scientific Plantcare Methods - Second Year

February - May

i. Continue mulching the plant base starting Decmber - January and upto May. Irrigate the plants with atleast 25 litres of water every 15-25 days.

ii. February : Thrash the dry leaves and stems (kavath) and spray Quinalphos 200 ml per 100 litre using a powers sprayer

iii. March : Spray Phenthoate 150 ml per 100 litre on the plants.

iv. May : Spray Acephate 150 gm / 100 litre water

v. By end of May or early June, if you find incidence of root grub in the field, you may insert EPN in the soil. For this, make an insertion of about the length and diameter of your finger at 4-5 spots around the plant (or as many as required) - and then insert the EPN, then cover the same with the soil

vi. April - May: With the onset of South West monsoon, Organic manure + PGPR mixture (or) Organic Manure + Micro organisms (5 kg vermi compost, 25g Asospyrillum, Phosphobacteria, Pseudomonas, Trichoderma) may be applied

vii. April : Zinc Sulphate (250g/100 ltr) + Boron (75g/100ltr) may be sprayed on the plants. NPK and micro nutrients may also be sprayed.