Friday, June 24, 2016

First Year : August - November

August - September 

i. Clear the weeds : Weeds are the general source for Nitrogen, however, do not let them grow bigger and older than 2-3 months. You should clear the plant base and around a 3 ft diameter of the plants. 

ii. You may mulch the base of the plants using the weeds so removed. You may also add organic manure, PGPR (which promotes vegetative growth) and organic Manure + micro organism mixtures. 
- 100 gm Neem cake + 50 gm bone meal + 25 gm each of Azospirillum, Phosphobacteria, Trichoderma, Pseudomonas, Paecilomyces

You may mulch post application of the above mixture in moderate quantities. 

iii. If you come across any root grub pest, one way is to make an insertion at the four corners in a finger length and insert EPN - one each in each of the four corners. 

iv. Spray the following  pesticides using power sprayer / Knapsack
- Phenthoate - 100 grams / 100 litres of water 
- Beauveria Bassiana - 100 ml or gm / 100 litre
- Pseudomonas - 1 litre / 100 litre 

October - November 

i. Spray the following solution using a power sprayer 
- DAP (DiAmmonium Phosphate)  - 1 litre / 100 litre water
- Pseudomonas - 2 litre / 100 litre 
The spray should cover all the leaves of the plant 

ii. To retain and ensure soil moisture as well as to collect the rain water, it is imperative that you make pits of  a minimum dimension - 2Ft Length X 1 Ft Height X 1 Ft width. (2x1x1) in between four plants. This may be done basis the requirement of individual fields and at the desired intervals. 

iii. Drench Pseudomonas (2 litre / 100 litre water) + Trichoderma (2 litre / 100 litre water) around the plant base 

iv. At around this time you will notice fresh white roots - cover the same with soil and mulch above the soil 

v. Apply NPK in the ratio 37.5kg :37.5 kg: 75 Kg, about 150 - 200 grams per plant 

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