Friday, June 24, 2016

First Year : December - January

December - January Works 

i. The weeds would appear again and cover the base and the space between the rows and columns. It's time to weed out around the plants and mulch the same.

ii. Spray DAP (Diammonium Phosphate) 1 kg / 100 litre water + Potash 1 Kg / 100 litre water + Pseudomonas 2 Litre / 100 litre water on the plants. Try and do this activity on a cloudy day or a day with light drizzles

iii. Spray Quinalphos 200 ml per 100 litre + Pseudomonas 1 litre per 100 litre water + Beauveria Bassiana 100 gm per 100 litre + 100 Gm Metarhizium per 100 litre water

iv. Apply NPK at 37.5: 37.5: 75 Kg per hectare for the second time.

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